中央研究院近代史研究所 – Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica

本所的研究範圍,為近現代中國在政治、軍事、外交、社會、經濟、文化、思想等各方面的變遷,尤其著重探討現代性(modernity)的形成。除了秉持歷來史學研究的良好傳統與基礎之外,更加強對當代社會、人文與世界的關懷。 為有效推動以上各項重大議題的研究,本所同仁自發性地組織了婦女與性別史研究群、知識史研究群、胡適研究群、城市史研究群、蔣介石研究群、東亞區域研究群、西學與中國研究群及國家與社會研究群等八個研究群,盼能在既有的基礎上,結合擁有共同興趣之所內外同仁,針對近代史上若干重大課題,集中資源,進行長期而深入的研究,以凸顯本所研究重點和特色,取得國際學術界的競爭優勢。
Research conducted at the Institute encompasses transformations in modern Chinese politics, military affairs, foreign policy, society, economics, culture, thought, religion, and other fields, while paying special attention to formations of modernity. Our research fellows not only maintain solid traditions of historical scholarship, but also share deep concern for contemporary society and world affairs. In order to effectively promote research on the important issues mentioned above, the Institute’s researchers have taken the initiative to organize eight research groups that are distinct but also interact closely with each other: 1) Women and Gender History; 2) History of Knowledge; 3) Hu Shih; 4) Chinese Urban History; 5) Chiang Kai-shek; 6) East Asia Regional Studies; 7) Western Learning and China; 8) State and Society. These research groups help bring together colleagues with similar interests inside and outside of the Institute to jointly collect data for undertaking long-term and in-depth research on key topics in modern history, thereby highlighting major breakthroughs in the Institute’s scholarship and earning the respect of the international scholarly community.
