英國漢學協會 – The British Association for Chinese Studies

The British Association for Chinese Studies is a non-political organization which aims to encourage and promote Chinese studies in the United Kingdom, in particular by organising conferences, lectures, seminars and other appropriate activities, by disseminating information and by encouraging co-operation among persons and organisations concerned with the study of China. As the only comprehensive subject association for Chinese Studies in the UK, we represent the field of Chinese Studies in its entirety. BACS plays an important role in liaising and consulting with other area studies organizations, with funding bodies, with China-related representative offices and with government departments. We also speak on behalf of the field to representatives of the media. Founded during a conference held at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London in 1976, BACS has been at the forefront of developments that have seen Chinese Studies change from a small, esoteric subject to a mainstream trend at all levels education and a main source of media, business, and government interest. The Association is administered by an elected Council, and is bound by the BACS Constitution.
