烏克蘭漢學協會 – Ukranian Association of Sinologists

烏克蘭漢學家協會前身是烏克蘭蘇維埃社會主義共和國科學院文學、語言學和歷史研究所的全蘇聯漢學家協會烏克蘭分會。全蘇聯漢學家協會烏克蘭分會設立於烏克蘭國家科學院波泰布尼亞語言學研究所。 1988年至1991年,全蘇聯漢學家協會烏克蘭分會工作持續了三年,因前蘇聯解體而停止活動。全蘇聯漢學家協會烏克蘭分會會員有烏克蘭首席漢學家RM勃羅吉斯基(RMBrodskyi), VV維利奇科(VVVelychko), AZ貢恰魯克(AZHoncharuk), SO基奇金(SO Kichihin), VA米亞斯尼科夫(VAMiasnikov), SO尼基申科(SONikishenko), AV帕斯克(AVPasko), BO普什卡廖弗(BOPushkarov),VV謝德涅夫( VVSedniev), VB烏魯索夫(VBUrusov)、漢語教師V.瓦西利維(V.Vasyliev), AB瓦希托夫(ABVakhitov), Ye.V.伊利尼奇(Ye.V.Ilinich ),IA祖葉夫(IAZuiev),VP 緬希科夫(VPMenshykov),SS斯塔羅維羅夫(SS Starovierov)、中國文學翻譯家IK奇爾科(IKChyrko),李澤皋、中醫學與武術研究人員Ye.L.瑪切列特(Ye.L.Macheret),HH庫齊明(HHKuzmin)等,共50人。 《全世界》雜誌總編輯O.I.梅克堅(O.I.Mykytenko)積極推動烏克蘭分會的成立。全蘇聯漢學家協會烏克蘭分會的會長是V.V.謝德涅夫,學術秘書是A.Z.貢恰魯克 。 1989年,全蘇聯漢學家協會烏克蘭分會在基輔順利舉辦慶祝中華人民共和國成立40週年的全蘇聯學術研討會。
Ukrainian Association of Sinologists is a public organization unifying citizens, institutions, and organizations, engaged in the study of China and the development of Ukrainian-Chinese relations. The Association’s predecessor was the Ukrainian branch of the All-Union Association of Sinologists (UV VAKIT) at the Department of Literature, Linguistics, and History of the Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR. UV VAKIT includes all the leading Ukrainian sinologists (G.M. Brodsky, V.V. Velychko, A.S. Goncharuk, S.A. Kichigin, V.A. Myasnikov, S.A. Nikishenko, A.V. Pasko, B.A. Pushkarev, V.V. Sednev, V. B. Urusov), teachers of the Chinese language (V.Vasiliev, A. B. Vakhitov, E.V. Ilinich, I.A. Zuev, V.P. Menshikov, S.S. Staroverov), the Chinese literature translators (I.K. Chirko, Li Jiegao), researchers of Chinese medicine (E.L. Macheret) and martial arts (G.G. Kuzmin). UV VAKIT consisted of more than 50 people. The editor-in-chief of the magazine “Universe” A. I. Mikitenko actively contributed to the formation of UV VAKIT. V.V. Sednev was the Chairman of the UV VAKIT, and A.S. Goncharuk was the scholar-secretary. In 1989, an all-Union scientific conference of VAKIT was held in Kyiv, dedicated to its establishment’s 40th anniversary.
