國史館 – Academia Historica

本館為「總統副總統文物管理條例」的主管機關,也是國內重要檔案史料庋藏機關,典藏機關及私人移轉、捐贈的檔案、史料及總統副總統文物。典藏之檔案、文物,均依據藏品屬性進行管理,其作業包括除蟲、清潔、修護、裱褙、整編等,以提供後續開放應用。   館藏檔案史料約47萬餘卷,總統副總統印章、勳章、禮品、衣飾及物品等文物約6千餘件。以國民政府等運臺機關檔案及中華民國行憲以來蔣中正、嚴家淦、蔣經國、李登輝、陳水扁、馬英九、蔡英文等歷任總統、副總統文物史料為主要典藏特色,可見證國家發展歷程及不同時期國家領袖主政的經緯。
The Academia Historica was established in Nanjing in 1947 and reopened in Taiwan in 1957. The Organization Act of the Academia Historica was amended in 2001 to establish four departments (compilation and research; preservation and general service; acquisition; and a secretariat ), then in 2002 the former Historical Research Committee of Taiwan Province was renamed Taiwan Historica and became part of the Academia Historica organization. In 2004, The Presidential and Vice Presidential Records and Artifacts Act was enacted into law and expressly named Academia Historica as the competent authority for presidential and vice-presidential records and artifacts.
