國史館臺灣文獻館 – Taiwan Historica

政府鑒於地方歷史文獻對國家民族認識發展的重要,於民國37年6月1日成立臺灣省通志館,專責辦理臺灣省通志之纂修,民國38年7月改組為臺灣省文獻委員會,除設委員、編纂從事文獻研究工作外,並分設編纂組、採集組及整理組,以負責臺灣省文獻史料的採集、整理、典藏、文獻書刊的出版及史志的纂修。及至民國47年配合組織調整,改隸民政廳;民國86年7月改隸文化處;民國88年7月因應臺灣省政府業務功能與組織調整,再度隸屬臺灣省政府;民國91年1月1日改隸國史館,更名為「國史館臺灣文獻館」。 民國91年1月1日,國史館臺灣文獻館開啟了原文獻會的新頁,這個原就頗具文獻專業形象的機關,豐富的臺灣史料典藏,加上文獻、文物及史蹟三大樓的逐步完成,內部展示功能的充實,賡續完成入口意象、館史室的籌設及文獻步道的修建,使得內外軟硬體建設益臻完善。除緬懷彰顯文獻先賢、先哲卓越貢獻與無怨無悔的付出外,更具有見賢思齊與歷史文獻傳承之深遠意涵。然而時勢潮流不斷遞變,在既有的基礎上,追求創新與突破。
Given the importance of local historical documents to national understanding and development, the General Historica of Taiwan Province was founded on 1 June 1948 for the compilation of Taiwan general history. It was reorganized to form the Provincial Documents Committee of Taiwan in July 1949, in which Committee Members carried out research on archives, and the Acquisition, Arrangement and Editing Sections took charge of acquiring, arranging, preserving, compiling and publishing historical materials of Taiwan. The Committee was first affiliated to the Civil Affairs Department in 1958, then to the Cultural Affairs Department in 1997, and to the Taiwan Provincial Government in July 1999 after its downsizing. On 1 January 2002, the Committee was supervised by the Academia Historica and renamed Taiwan Historica of Academia Historica.
