世界漢學研究會 – World Association for Chinese Studies

本研究會旨在聯繫全球漢學家間的聯繫和學術交流,包括開國際學術論壇、以期實現國際研究項目、發表研究結果,促進世 界漢學的發展。原則:尊重事實、質量保證、學術自由、國際化。目的:中國人之國學更多、更好、更全面的走向世界之漢學;世界 之漢學更多、更好、更全面地融入中國國學。方針:兼容並蓄、有容乃大、鼓勵創新,鼓勵多學科跨界交流傳播,是世界漢學研究會 刊的根本方針。
The purpose of this Association is to foster academic dialogue and exchange among sinologists from all over the world, e.g. on international academic forums, cooperation in international research projects, publication of research results and promotion of the development of Sinology / Chinese Studies in the world. The principles are: evidence-based research (‘respect for facts’), quality assurance, academic freedom, and internationalization. The purpose is to enlarge the cooperation within Chinese Studies and with other disciplines, to enhance its quality, and to disseminate its findings more comprehensively into the world. Global Chinese Studies shall be enhanced and be better integrated with domestic Chinese Studies (guoxue). Guidelines: Inclusiveness, tolerance, innovation, and multi-disciplinary cross-border communication are the fundamental guidelines of the World Association for Chinese Studies. Nature: It is both a platform for academic exchange and a classroom for Chinese Studies.
