

  2014年,我們集合現有的數位學術資源—圖書館、檔案館、胡適紀念館、資料庫小組所建立的資料庫以及館際合作計畫,組成近代史數位資料庫( MHDB, Modern History Databases ),提供使用者明確的個別資料庫登入方式及使用說明,並強化跨資料庫查詢功能,成為近代史數位研究資源整合平台。


  Since 1997, The Modern History Institute of Academia Sinica has invested in the digitalization of its rare books, historical sources, and documents in the hope that digitalization and internet access could be used to promote research resources and education in modern and contemporary Chinese history. At this point, the Modern Historical Documents Full-Text Database housed within Academia Sinica’s Scripta Sinica database contains more than 78,000,000 characters.

  For many years now the archive has continued to digitalize documents related to foreign diplomacy and economics and established the “Collection Search System” and the “Authoritative Names Retrieval System.” The archive also offers a browsing service for images of original documents. The Hu Shih Memorial Hall has advanced the development of the Hu Shih Archive Database, which took documents from different media carriers and transformed them into digitalized documents in order to set up the database administrative system and to facilitate scholarly searches and use.

  The Newspaper and Periodical Search System developed by the library consolidates modern newspapers, periodicals, official bulletins and other different types of data and provides image archive browsing and metadata search functions. During the past two years, the MHDB team began building different types of thematic databases, such as the English-Chinese Dictionary Database, the Modern Annals TIS System, the Integrated Information System on Modern and Contemporary Characters, and so forth. Within each database there are relevant search functions. The hope is that for each subject, the person, event, time, place, and object, that is, each important element can be incorporated to construct a comprehensive historical database.

  In 2014, we consolidated our digitalized academic resources—the library, the archive, the Hu Shih Memorial Hall, the databases set up by MHDB team as well as the interlibrary cooperation program to create the Modern History DataBases (MHDB). We offer users a fast and accurate database login method and user’s guide to facilitate full use of our database services.

