為向世界推廣漢學與臺灣研究成果,國家圖書館(以下簡稱國圖)在既有之出版品國際交換及30餘年的漢學研究學術交流基礎上,自2012年起於海外設立「臺灣漢學資源中心」(Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies,簡稱TRCCS),選擇國外重點大學或研究機構設置,加強與各國漢學研究單位合作,推動海內外漢學學術交流,傳布臺灣漢學學術成果,共同建置全球漢學研究資源與訊息平臺,促進東西文化交流的廣度與深度。
In the interest of promoting scholarly resources for Chinese and Taiwan studies, the National Central Library (NCL) has established overseas Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies (TRCCS) since 2012 on the basis of existing program of international publication exchange and over 30 years’ experience of academic exchanges in sinology. Located at leading universities and research institutes across the globe, the TRCCS aims to strengthen collaborative relationships with Chinese studies research centers all over the world, enhance more international academic exchanges in Chinese studies, promote Taiwan’s achievements in the field of Chinese studies, and collaboratively build a global sinological resources and information platform, thereby broadening and deepening cultural exchanges between Eastern and Western worlds.
From the preparation stage starting in 1933 onwards, the NCL has shouldered great responsibilities for the following tasks: “gather and organize a nationwide collection of published information, preserve culture, facilitate academic research, and guide the development of all other categories of libraries.” Its aim is to serve as a modern national library by means of enriching collection, preserving culture, extending librarian services for general readers, publishing and academia from provision of print resources to access of e-databases and online information services.
In 1981, Taiwan established the Resource and Information Center for Chinese Studies and placed it under the auspices of the NCL. In 1987, the center was renamed as the Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) to strengthen its role of academic research. For years the CCS has devoted to collecting Chinese Studies resources, providing reference and research services, covering trends in Chinese studies, publishing Chinese studies works and periodicals, providing grants for foreign visiting scholars and holding a wide range of academic activities in order to promote and encourage international development of Chinese studies and academic cooperation.
The establishment of the TRCCS represents a new milestone for the NCL in the achievement of promotion of Chinese studies as a field over the years. The TRCCS is part of the NCL’s ongoing effort to make available the rich and diverse academic resources accumulated for decades to the field of Chinese studies around the world.
For establishing overseas TRCCS, the NCL donates 500-1000 volumes of books and a collection of electronic resources published in Taiwan to the TRCCS partner institutions for the first year, and continue to donate books in each subsequent year to enrich their collection and promote Taiwan’s academic publications in Chinese and Taiwan studies. The NCL also establishes an IP channel for overseas TRCCS partner institutions to use the digital resources of the NCL and the CCS within copyright limits. Furthermore, whenever the NCL organizes any Chinese studies academic or professional activities, such as conferences, workshops, lectures, etc., the NCL will offer a number of places for the delegates of its TRCCS partner institutions to participate, thereby strengthening academic cooperation and increasing global visibility and influence of Taiwan’s achievement in Chinese studies.