
「臺灣期刊論文索引系統」(以下簡稱本系統)原名「中華民國期刊論文索引」(紙本),創刊於民國59年元月,72年開發自動化作業後,在82年以「中華民國期刊論文索引線上新系統」和《中華民國期刊論文索引》(紙本) 同時提供期刊論文索引檢索服務,並於83年開放館外網路連線查詢。87年國家圖書館遠距圖書服務系統建置後,「中華民國期刊論文索引影像系統」與「國家圖書館期刊目次服務系統」提供遠端讀者期刊文獻傳遞服務;94年合併「中華民國期刊論文索引影像系統」與「國家圖書館期刊目次服務系統」並更名為「中文期刊篇目索引系統」。為更符合資料庫所收錄之期刊係以臺灣之出版品為主,因此,99年再度更名為「臺灣期刊論文索引系統」,冀能提供更具開放性之多功能服務。


The PerioPath:Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System (hereafter referred to as the System), named the Index to Chinese Periodicals (written form), was launched in January, 1970. After the development of automation in 1983, it was renamed the Index to Chinese Periodical Literature System and the Index to Chinese Periodicals in written form. It provided services for Periodical Literature retrieval in 1993, followed by an online search from Internet in 1994. After establishing the Remote Electronic Access / Delivery of National Central Library (READncl) in 1998, the Index to Chinese Periodical Literature and Periodical Current Contents System of National Central Library offered Periodical Literature to readers at remote locations. In 2005, it was integrated into the Index to Chinese Periodical Literature and Periodical Current Contents System of National Central Library ; this was renamed the PerioPath:Index to Chinese Periodical Literature. The majority of journals collected in the database were from Taiwan, hence, it was renamed the PerioPath:Index to Taiwan Periodical Literature System again in 2010 providing multiple services.

