
 崑曲自二○○一年五月被聯合國教科文組織列為首批「人類口述及 非物質遺產代表作」,才開始受到世人重視。而本校(國立中央大學)早 已在一九九二年一月便成立戲曲研究室,進行崑曲文物、文獻和影音資 料的蒐集、研究,其蒐藏與研究已受到國內外學術界的肯定。

        因此,提出整體計畫「從蘇州崑曲到台灣崑曲數位典藏計畫」三期 的規劃如下:



        第三期:「台灣地區崑曲演出」影音數位化及「台灣崑腔」文獻數 位化。

        由於第二、三期的部份資料尚未取得數位化授權,待第一期計畫通 過後,將積極取得數位化授權,本期先提出「中央大學戲曲研究室典藏 崑曲文物」數位化,主要是將國立中央大學戲曲研究室近十餘年來之收 藏與研究成果,透過「數位典藏國家科技計畫」數位化,以供學術界參 考。


        第一目標:將中央大學戲曲研究室近十餘年來之收藏與研究成果數 位化,提供國內外戲曲學術界使用。

        第二目標:戲曲研究室典藏品及學術成果數位化後,透過網際網路 推廣培養觀眾及學術研究人才,使台灣成為崑曲演出和學術研究的重 鎮,並間接提昇其他劇種(如京劇、歌仔戲)的演出和學術水準。

        本計畫在學校的「發展國際一流大學及頂尖研究中心計畫」補助(教 育部五年五百億的研究補助計畫),以及國科會的專題研究計畫,已初步 完成資料整理及研究的前置作業,如通過「數位典藏國家科技計畫」,將 此成果數位化典藏、網路推廣,更有利於提昇台灣戲曲的演出和學術研 究水準。


The Kun Opera has not received worldwide attentions until May 2001 the first proclamation of “Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity” by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization).

     Yet as early as in January 1992 National Central University has set up Research Section for Chinese Drama and Opera and undertook collecting and research on artifacts,documents, and video records of Kun Opera. Our extensive collections and research are well-reputed both in Taiwan and overseas.

      The “Digital Archives Program on Kun Opera from Suzhou to Taiwan” intends to digitalize the collection and research results over ten years in Research Section for Chinese Drama and Opera, National Central University so as to provide academic resources by the platform of “National Digital Archives Program”.

      This program includes three phases:

      Phase I: the digitalization of “Collection of Kun Opera artifacts in Research Section for Chinese Drama and Opera, National Central University”

      Phase II: the visual digitalization of “video records on the presentations ofKun Opera arts by contemporary masters”

      Phase III: the visual digitalization of “Performances of Kun Opera inTaiwan”and documentary digitalization of “Kun Opera in Taiwan”

      This digital archives program will proceed on three phases to achieve two following goals:

      Firstly, the collections and research results of Research Section for Chinese Drama and Opera, National Central University will be digitalize for the use of scholars of Chinese theater both in Taiwan and overseas.

     Secondly, after completing the digitalization of collections and research results of Research Section for Chinese Drama and Opera, such online database will encourage audience cultivation and academic training and enable Taiwan to be the arena of Kun Opera performances and academic research. It can further upgrade levels of performance and academic of other traditional operas, such as Peking Opera and Taiwanese Opera.

     This program is sponsored by “Project of Promoting Academic Excellence and Developing World Class Research Centers”, which is under a five-year project with a 50 billion NT dollar budget in National Central University launched by the Educational Ministry and monographic study of National Science Council. At the moment some initial steps including data sorting out and preliminary research are completed. If this program be adopted by the “National Digital Archives Program”,by means of digitalized collection and internet promotion it must be great advantage to enhance qualities of theatrical performances and academic research in Taiwan.

